Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Girls Don't Cry: Chop An Onion Safely

So I made French onion soup recently. Nothing amazing. But, in the process I thinly sliced two large onions without dissolving into searing, crying eyes. Not a tear in sight. My new solution to the eternal eye-onion conflict: Press your tongue to the roof of you mouth while chopping. I saw it online somewhere.The wonders of the Internet.

Other tricks include opening a window, lighting a candle or incense near your cutting board (who wants their food flavored with a hint of patchouli?), and wearing goggles (no thanks). Or, since the reaction is supposedly more pronounced in fresh onions, you could use old vegetables. I'd rather not.

My onion allergy typically causes frequent mid-chop pauses, interrupts my chefly rhythm, and risks my fingertips with blurred vision. Let's hope this new trick proves successful.


  1. I just chopped an onion for lentil soup--and had rivers of tears running down my cheeks. In fact, my eyes still have that slight burning sensation. I wish I had read this ten minutes ago!
    I've also heard that putting an onion in the fridge, then chopping it while it is cold helps.

  2. I tested again last night, and still no crying!

    Mmmm, lentils.
